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Bernard Cohen, Gerald Ganglbauer, Gregory Harvey (Eds.)

OZlit Collection 2
Australias Experimental Literature

Gangaroo (Gangan Verlag) 2017, bilingual, 80 pages, paperback, 20 x 13.5 cm, ISBN 978-1-86336-001-2, € 9.90

Prose from Jas H Duke, Paul Hewson & Linda Marie Walker, Ruark Lewis, Chris Mann, and Ania Walwicz, translated by Gabi Malotras, Andrea Bandhauer, and Gerald Ganglbauer

Malevolent FictionThis book took a long time in the making. Originally it was scheduled between Gregory Harvey, Ne Delhi 2014Volume 1 (1990) and Volume 3 (1994), but due to circumstances beyond my control it did not find its way to the printers until now, in the year 2017.
Gregory Harvey, my first co-editor in 1989, had moved to New York, and works now in New Delhi with the Australian Trade Commission. Bernard Cohen, back then co-editor of the literary journal Editions Review, stepped in but was soon busy writing Tourism, his first novel. I myself didn't have the money and moved around a lot in the early days of my life in Australia. Some submissions were lost, so in the end only a handful pieces remained. Malevolent FictionIn 1996, at the dawn of the Internet, I decided to publish them online.
Now, more than twenty years later, and looking back at my life and work from the perspective of a person with Parkinson's, I felt compelled to complete the OZlit Collection.
In those ten years since I was diagnosed, I dedicated most of my time to Parkinson's support groups, wrote three very personal accounts about life and times, but got finally around to return to my real role in life, that of a publisher.

Gerald Ganglbauer, Sydney 1991So here we go. Five authors, considered the young generation back in the days, present their experiments. The OZlit Collection is complete, Volume 2, although not as thick as originally planned, is closing the gap. GanGAROO, the Australian imprint of Gangan Verlag, has fulfilled its promise.
By the way, the young man on the left is me 30 years ago at 30 years of age, proudly posing in front of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, an Australian icon.

Gerald Ganglbauer
Ursprung, February 2017
Malevolent Fiction cover, Gregory Harvey, 2014, Bernard Cohen, Gerald Ganglbauer, 1991 (Photos: K.R. Chowdhur, G. Ganglbauer, G. Dodge)