Publishers News (Archive)
Here are the updates from the
publisher’s desk
2016 Jubiläum 20 Jahre online

Gangan ist seit 03.04.1996 online. Aus diesem Anlass wurde die gesamte Homepage mit allen Subdomains neu strukturiert und modernisiert. Unser Lit-Mag kam zurück in den Verlag, Gangway Magazine wird unabhängig. Vom Verlag gibt es nun zwei getrennte Versionen in Deutsch und Englisch, die Magazine bleiben zweisprachig.
Gangway Cult-Mag | Gangan Verlag | Gangan Lit-Mag | Ursprung, 20.01.2016
2014 Shopping online around the clock
Gangan now has its own online Bookstore for you. Simply put our books in your shopping cart and pay at the checkout. Safe and convenient. You find the store in our English Version (you can still order from the German Version the old way).
Bookstore EN | Ursprung, 29 December 2013
2014 eBooks will change to iBooks
From next year on we will drop the limited HTML format for our E-Books. New releases will be published as iBooks for free distribution in 50+ Apple Stores around the world. All new design and format for your iBooks App.
E-Books EN | Ursprung, 28 November, 2013
2013 New Releases
E-Books in all new web design by Adrian Keefe (Australia) and Rupert Weinzierl (Austria), as well as new releases, Best of Märchen, by Heimo Wacha (Austria), and the debut of Heide E. Zott (Canada) with two books.
E-Books EN | Graz, 11 May, 2013
2013 Major Site Update
After rebuilding our magazine from ground up in 2012, it was time to do the same this year for an all new website. The site already consists of over 300 HTML pages. A printer would output more than 1,000 pages on paper.
English Version
2011/2012 Relaunch
Publishing books is a passion. Now, having retired early from my business, circumstances provide me with the perfect opportunity to restart where I left 18 years ago. Expect to see new projects.
Click “Like” on our new Facebook page to keep in the loop.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2004 Book Sale
To celebrate our twentieth anniversary we extend a special 50%
discount on all our books in print and an even bigger saving
of 75% discount to every writer we ever published
(which are hundreds, counting in anthologies and magazines) until sold out.
Pickup at Gangan Verlag, Graz
20 Years Gangan
Gangway Special Issue
In June 2004 Gangway #32 was published as 84|94|04 almanac to coincide
with celebrations at the Literaturhaus Graz. Best of Gangan is edited by Petra Ganglbauer.
Gangan Archive
Open for Research
In early 2004 our entire archive from 1984 to 1994 correspondence,
manuscripts, administration and documentation was handed over to
the Franz-Nabl-Institut für Literaturforschung at the University
of Graz, where it is accessible to the academic community.
Digital Archive
Our website has become part of the implementation of a digital archive
of Austrian publications into the Austrian National Library.
Bettina Kann
Österreichische Nationalbibliothek
Digitale Medien |