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About Gangan Verlag

Flyer 2015Based in Sydney and Graz, where the publisher is originally from, Gangan specialises in contemporary Austrian and Australian literature in the German language. The independent company was formed in Graz (Austria) in 1984 by Managing Director Gerald Ganglbauer Wikipedia and had 24 books in print published until 1994. Senior editors in Vienna were Petra Ganglbauer and Peter Pessl, and in Sydney Rudi Krausmann Wikipedia. New titles were published online from 1996 to 2004. After the publisher's retirement in 2007 due to early onset Parkinson’s disease, and his consequential move back to his native Austria in 2013 after 25 years overseas, new projects like Ich bin eine Reise (2014) and Geografie der Liebe (2016) were coming up.

Flyer 2015In its history as a small press, Gangan has forged a reputation for award winning literature – experimental prose and poetry – from Austria’s avant-garde. The authors, from Marc Adrian to Mike Markart, Magdalena Sadlon, and Peter Köck are today published by renowned publishers. After moving to Sydney in 1989, Gangan was amongst the first publishers to translate Australian literature into the German language under its new imprint Gangaroo.


Gangan Motto

About Gangaroo

Gangaroo is the Australian imprint of Austrian publisher Gangan Verlag and translates contemporary Australian literature.

Flyer OZlitIn 1989 Gerald Ganglbauer, a young Austrian publisher, arrived in Australia and started collecting Australian short stories, experimental prose, and poetry. Back then Australian literature was largely unknown in German speaking countries, and he had the ambition to change that with Gangaroo (a coinage of the words Ganglbauer and kangaroo), the imprint of now Sydney based small press Gangan Books Austr(al)ia. Together with Bernard Cohen, Rudi Krausmann and Michael Wilding, he created The OZlit Collection in three volumes: Vol. 1: Air Mail from Down Under (Short Stories, translated into German), Vol. 2: Malevolent Fiction, (Experimental Prose, bilingual English/German) and Vol. 3: Made in Australia (Poetry, bilingual English/German).

Flyer OZlitHowever, in spite of having received good reviews in Germany as well as in Australia, sales were slow, and not not even a grant from the Australia Council could help the publisher to break even, which put an end to The OZlit Collection in print. As a consequence, new titles were published online since 1996. Source: Wikipedia