GANGAN VERLAG Lieferbare Bücher Buchladen Elektronische Bücher Magazine GANGAROO
die maschinentexte     1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7.1 | 7.2 | 8.1 | 8.2 | 8.3 | 8.4 | 8.5 | 8.6 | 8.7 | 8.8 | 9 | 10
Marc Adrian

text nr. 9

text nr. 9/67 wurde anläßlich der ausstellung “cybernetic serendipity” im ICA london vom BBC als eigene sendung zusammen mit text nr. 10, 11 und (vielleicht) 8/67 gebracht, deren originale in london geblieben sind.

anise of club without gael the perfect no unrepining the glutinous inside dodecagon. alternation without style. stuff not presumptive. glutinous inside luxury. chirk inside unrepining. gael not presumptive. coffee-grounds not magpie from coffegrounds no askew of style without presumptive beyond anise not servia the alternation, cannibal the style not magpie. deliver, anise the chirk no deliver the alternation a servia beyond askew, club from club inside style by stuff without regularity beyond glutinous without inside wiseacre with cannibal in-side deliver from presumptive inside glutinous. chirk without practicable the wiseacre inside magpie. gael not club. stuff a fructiferous beyond presumptive under dodecagon beyond dodecagon a deliver beyond style without wiseacre with style without cut the club no regularity by fructiferous not ephemera beyond submissive, presumptive of anise no cannibal the style, gael beyond style, wiseacre with stuff under perfect from cannibal no glutinous with represent inside anise with chirk a deliver. prowl under tragedian with submissive not luxury. wiseacre no magpie by magpie a wiseacre the askew no alternation with glutinous no cannibal beyond club without magpie by elegible an alternation by cannibal an ephemera of cannibal inside magpie beyond deliver inside alternation beyond stuff, submissive the glutinous inside alternation from cannibal not luxury with style not magnificent of practicable no askew. perfect a servia by prowl an askew by cut without magnificent beyond stuff under represent of represent a magpie of prowl under anise by respresent under tub the luxury inside glutinous by cannibal under magnificent with magpie, servia by ephemera, unrepining by ephemera under practicable with annihilation no practicable of wiseacre, annihilation from tragedian a servia of chirk not practicable beyond deliver inside prowl beyond glutinous under alternation beyond coffee-grounds an alternation the coffee-grounds inside prowl. prowl, style with stuff, tragedian of cut not magnificent from fructiferous inside eligible with fructiferous under deliver with style no glutinous. style under glutinous beyond glutinous no corrosion with prowl inside gael by style without annihilation of fructiferous, style the stuff no submissive from cut under annihilation. glutinous inside unrepining. eligible inside tub. cannibal inside eligible the fructiferous not submissive the cut inside ephemera the coff-grounds without style by style inside eligible. cannibal under magpie from deliver inside chirk by cannibal inside dodecagon the perfect without glutinous beyond club inside dodecagon with cannibal without chirk of stuff inside perfect beyond style a cut from perfect a submissive. coffee-grounds, glutinous by glutinous represent of stuff without magnificent the club, dodecagon of chirk, alternation the coffee-grounds under dodecagon beyond coffee-grounds a practicable the anise without tub beyond magnificent inside style by style, regularity of eligible no dodecagon with represent without corrosion of eligible under represent beyond cannibal a servia beyond cannibal under cut the gael without coffee-grounds. coffee-grounds not


die maschinentexte    1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7.1 | 7.2 | 8.1 | 8.2 | 8.3 | 8.4 | 8.5 | 8.6 | 8.7 | 8.8 | 9 | 10